Wednesday, September 8, 2010

48 Hour Film festival Jury Selection


We produced this film on August 14, 2010. We were selected in the top 22 out of 72 films submitted as THE BEST OF LA. We were then awarded 1 of 5 JURY SELECTION awards given that night.
This project was so fun to work on. On the fly, no rehearsal, met everyone beside the casting director, on the same day of shooting, the director is the Prop Master for 'Californication' and 'In the Middle'. We had all walks of working filmmakers working on this film with us. If you're not familiar with the 48 Hour Film Project it is a festival of films made within 48 hours (hence the name) and we all get a character type, character name, prop and one line to say in the film. This year this is what everyone had to include in their films:

Character Type: Actor
Character Name: Jared Woodnit
Prop: Keyboard
Line: "I have no idea"

Friday, June 25, 2010

Showcase - Confrontation from 'Jekyll & Hyde'

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Not Your Mama's Broadway- Wrap up

Had a great time working with Paul and everyone. Made new friends in this biz and new friends for life. We worked a few hours a day for about 5 weeks and pulled off a great show at Oil Can Harry's on Ventura Blvd between Studio City and Universal City. I don't know if I will be involved in the next production since I never know what the future will hold. I will say that if I'm involved I would like to produce. We had a ton of missing links and simple details that would have made the run go much more smoothly without as much stress as it brought... well to me at least I cannot speak for everyone else. I did pick up the reins near the end and wore more hats then I think I should have. So I did bring the stress onto myself but if I didn't the show would have looked completely different and in my opinion... annoying. I do have to say that it is great to live in LA. The talented people here that just have the need and desire to perform is amazing. Love working with people that just want to do what they do best and enjoy every minute of it. I even love watching them put on their make-up. The enjoyment they get from just preparing to get onstage is endearing and inspiring. Now it's back to the desk job and soon a night job to try to get a bit ahead in the money department. No money Mo Problems!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

My commercial for PaySaber is now LIVE online.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Our short film update for 'The Death of Tempo'

Jack has made some great sacrifices and decisions to go without his needs in order to submit to Film Festivals in 2010. He has raised enough to submit to a few from the help of his friends and family who want to see us succeed. If you have not do so already you should check out the site to see the trailer and to get your own copy to help fund our festival submission fees.
He gives me updates from time to time and we have met the requirements of a few festivals but we are still waiting to hear back as to which ones we have made it to screening. Please stay in touch. We also have a fan page on facebook to keep you in the action as to what is new happening with 'The Death of Tempo'.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

December 2009

End of the year wrap up.

I've come a long way this year.

I got off the streets and into an apartment for the first time since 2007 (see to see the WebSeries I had of being Homeless in Hollywood).

I'm still working my day job but I'm now working with a catering company that hires me for odd jobs. Once I get enough night work then I will be giving the day job the boot (with proper notice... probably like a month notice actually) then I will have my days available once again to start auditioning again and looking for an agent.

Still unpacking at the new pad. It is amazing. The view is fantastic and we have tons of room to be productive and creative. I actually have my own closet just for my vocal booth.

Well I hope everyone has a happy holiday and a great New Year. 2009 has been my best year out here in LA so far. Can't wait to see what happens next year.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

October begins

I have made many changes in the last few weeks.

I helped sell a BMW Z4
Rented out my Apartment to be free of my lease
Moved in with my girlfriend in Los Feliz CA
Started riding my bike to work (since we have one car now)
Bought an At2020 USB mic to start building a vocal studio for VOs
Looking at apartments with my girlfriend with enough space for two... and a large closet for my vocal booth.

Now looking for a scooter to get to work and maybe something to help me stay on time to all the side jobs I'm going to have to take to be able to audition again.

Just submitted to Brick Entertainment. Let's see if I hear back from them soon. I hear it is busy in the winter for Commercials this year. Cross your fingers for me. I NEED a commercial agent!